Training and License Requirements for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods

The transportation of goods is quite common, as we all do it, even in our cars. However, the transportation of dangerous goods is in a different category entirely. Such goods always pack the power of destruction and thus should be handled with care and competence. For instance, when carrying a flammable or radioactive material. You require strong regulations to ensure that such dangerous goods do not translate into the destruction of people and property. One quite common example of this is the trucks that carry fuel. The drivers have to go through specialised training to ensure they observe safety all through. They also require a license which certifies that they are capable of handling the goods.

1. Dangerous Goods Training – To be able to transport dangerous goods in Australia, it is mandatory for one to take a dangerous goods training course which will assist in qualifying for a license. The course is authorised by the NSW Environmental Protection Agency which ensures that through your transportation, everything remains safe. The program covers every aspect of the ADG Code as well as the relevant legislation. Other parts covered by the course include marking, segregation, classification, compatibility, load restraint and stowage as well as documentation. Your responsibilities as a transporter are also outlined by the course as well as the necessary actions to take in case the dangerous goods become compromised during transportation. The course takes a period two days to complete all the requirements needed for a license. The taking of the course has been imposed on by the Dangerous Goods Competent Authorities Panel.

2. Dangerous Goods License – Just like any other learning course, once completed a certificate is offered to show successful completion. Only that in this case the certificate comes in the form of a license. You cannot legally transport any dangerous goods without having a valid license that is renewed every five years. The license is useful in cases such as transporting receptacles which come with a capacity of more than 500 litres. It also applies in cases where a single receptacle packs more than 5000 kilograms during one trip. Lastly, the license can be used in instances that feature intermediate bulk containers. Here, the intermediate bulk containers have a total capacity of more than 3000 litres. The license is also required when the intermediate bulk containers have been emptied or filled while still on the vehicle. To successfully apply for the permit, you should make sure that you complete the training course which is provided by RAISE. One should also ensure that they complete a medical fitness form that renders them fit to transport the dangerous goods. Lastly, one has to possess a satisfactory driving history to show competence on the roads.

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Getting kids excited about science

I used to hate science in school, but it was mainly because my teachers didn't make the subject very interesting. Later in life I realised what a cool subject science is and how many really interesting things are developing in the world of science. There are new species being discovered in every part of the world, and we are always learning more about science. I want science teachers to know ways to make science fun and exciting for kids so that kids are more interested in pursuing careers in science. This blog is all about science education for kids and should be useful to teachers and childcare educators.